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●Request for donation

Almost 5 years have past since the Great East Japan Disaster – the first and biggest disaster in the history in terms of the damage caused not only by the tsunami but also (and especially) by Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant accident. Many people who had to flee from the contaminated zone are still forced to live away from their hometown, and often separated mother and child from another family member. Although the governmental has called off the evacuation order, many factors, not to mention the fear for the radioactive contamination, keep them from returning to their hometown. Some families got actually broke down due to the discord about returning or not returning. It is very unfortunate but true to say that, suffering from such a long-term (and with no perspective as for the termination), isolated provisory life in an unfamiliar environment, the families (parents) tend to take it out to those who in the weakest position – their children. The increasing number of abuse has been reported in Fukushima prefecture.

60% of children living in children’s homes in Japan had been abused. The maltreatment damages the children physically and psychologically. 30% of the residents in children’s homes have some handicap, and this number has been increasing every year.

The children’s home, founded initially to foster the war orphans, have to now take completely different missions upon themselves. Even for the children with living parent(s), the staff does everything to foster. Their task includes the comprehensive health care of the children. They take the children to the hospital for medical consultation, regular health check, vaccination, and so on.

Due to the further radioactive contamination, the children’s home in Fukushima have additional, long-term task of health check for early screening.  After having left the children’s home at the age of 18, the former residents need assistance so that they could care themselves their health. We have been operating sustained health check, securing the food safety and repairing & improving the living environment, so as to minimize the damage of low level radiation over the children.

We have been preparing the personal health record book and developing the digital recording system according to digital recording system of clinical data (in practice in hospitals), so as to ensure the long-term health care of the children in children’s homes.

Tokyo Electric Power Company has officially declared that it would take more than 30 years to decommission their Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant reactors. This means the radioactive substance will be released in whatever way for more than another 30 years.

However, they stop subsiding NPO at the end of 5 years after the disaster.

The children who had to leave their family and their hometown have been growing up in their new home – the children’s home. Taking seriously their future in consideration, no way we can just stop supplying them with our foster care only because the government has declared that the radioactivity is now on safety level. Our organization is of such a small scale that you can see us make a direct use of your kind contribution for physical and moral wellbeing of the children. Please provide us with your further donation and support.

With our heartfelt thanks and regards


【Would you please make your contribution by money transfer to one of following bank accounts】

Branch code:229
Current Account number:02220-2-118684
Account holder’s name:NPO Foster Care for Infant, Children and Adolescents in FUKUSHIMA

Branch:Hakusan / Branch code:228
Ordinary Deposit Number:6854164
Deposit holder’s name:
FUKUJIDOU, Representative Sawada Kazumi

BranchFukushima nishi / Branch code:047
Ordinary Deposit Number:1303901
Deposit holder’s name:FUKUJIDOU, Representative Sawada Kazumi

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